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Command Line Arguments

Media Server Arguments
Starts all containers without a media server.
embyStarts all containers with Emby as the Media Server
jellyfinStarts all containers with Jellyfin as the Media Server
plexStarts all containers with Plex as the Media Server

  • This is is necessary to help get your environment up and going quickly. Sure, you can copy and paste each .env-example yourself, but this script aims to simplify the process.
  • You can run this script once and never have to run it again.
  • If an .env file exists already in a compose directory, it will not be overwritten.
  • Any new compose files added to this project should be added with an associated .env-example file. You can then run the script to generate a .env if you choose, or just manually copy/paste a .env into the directory.
  • As the project grows/updates, this should be able to copy the .env-example files I create and place in this project without you needing to go track down the changes.

  • This is just a useful script to check your compose config and uses your COMPOSE_PROFILES env variable to build the configuration.
  • Takes in an optional $arg to also include the media server with your config

Example: with Jellyfin

./scripts/ jellyfin

Example: With No Media Server


  • This is just a useful script to startup your server without needing to know the docker compose commands.
  • Takes in an optional $arg to startup the media server with your server

Example: Start with Jellyfin

./scripts/ jellyfin

Example: Start with No Media Server


  • This is a potentially destructive script. Be very careful using this. Use it at your own risk!
  • This script also takes in a $arg for media server (see table above for options).
  • There are 2 options when running this script:
    • Option 1:
      • The script will attempt to shutdown all running containers.
      • It will remove all docker images (as long as the container is shut down).
    • Option 2:
      • 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 DANGER AHEAD 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
      • This will destroy the ./.containers directory and remove any data from the machine related to your container instances.
      • This command should be a no-op as you will need to set everything back up from scratch by rerunning the script.
        • This is useful if you have data corruption and need to start fresh. I would recommend backing up your entire ${DEFAULT_CONTAINER_DATA_LOCATION}/ directory prior to running this command.


With Media Server Argument
teardown example teardown example teardown example
Without Media Server Argument
teardown example teardown example

Looks like it is telling us that a container was being used by a running service

teardown example

Notice that Jellyfin is still running

teardown example